Sunday, December 19, 2004


Dementia, the loss of intelectual ability. People with dimentia may be confused, not able to remember things or lost skills they once had, including performing normal daily activities. 1 of every 3 people that are above 86 of age has dementia.

My grandma is 84 this year. Unfortunately, after my grandpa passed away 6 months ago, she's been living in loneliness despite all the grandchildren and great-granddaughter are by her side. Well, what to do. She losses a companion for over 60 years. She tough in a way that she managed to overcome the grieve in just few weeks.

Recently, her memory seems to deteriorating. She's reacting quite slow to our conversation and at times she would call us by the wrong name. Relatives are getting worry and wanted to send her to the hospital for a mental check. CT scan was supposed to carry out next week and everyone is referring to my opinion, just because I'm a vet. Well, anyway, been searching the internet for further information and I guess I would have to advice them to bring her for CT scan.

We'll just see how thing goes next week with my grandma. May God bless her.