Monday, October 09, 2006

江美琪 - 愛哭鬼

Saturday, October 07, 2006


一首十分好聽又朗朗上口的歌曲,周傑倫與費玉清合唱的千里之外. 兩個人相比下,自己覺得費大哥的歌聲遠比周董來得自然又細膩,是那麼地無瑕又不空泛,果然唱功一流! 前輩就是前輩.

其實,我並不是費大哥的粉絲,也不討厭周董. 當我聽到這首歌時,覺得兩個人的搭配十分好,費大哥成熟又圓滿的歌聲補足周董輕浮和空泛的唱腔,撞出如此令人惊喜的火花!

"我送你離開,千里之外,你無聲黑白. 沉默年代,或許不該,太遙遠的相愛..." 唱出了一段無法眷屬的真愛之辛酸與無奈!


Thursday, October 05, 2006


鏘!鏘!鏘! MATTA Fair開鑼了! 對很多愛旅行的人,又是一個難得旅遊的機會! 我和他到PWTC去參觀,並做市場調察. 可能年尾旅行會比較貴,所以年尾的展會比較小型.

我在想,這一些到展會的人,到底有多少人是真正有潛質的顧客呢? 展會上所促銷的旅遊團,都大同小異,不是去中國,就是去韓國啦,澳洲啦,日本啦,要不然就是去東協的巴厘島度蜜月或泰國購物瘋,再不然就是香港四天三夜逍遙游!

現在的資訊發達,還有多少年輕人愿意參團去旅遊? 團體旅行不是不好,它適合那些貪方便又舍得花錢的人. 但是又有多少人明白團體旅行雖然表面上看起來即方便又省錢省時,實際上是消費最為奢侈的選擇! 為甚麼我這麼說呢? 我相信每個參團的人都有這樣的經驗:團隊在每個景點都是走馬看花似的,有多少個人能夠真真正正地感受到景點的歷史,文化與背後的故事.打個比如:中國故宮! 團隊到此景點,逗留的時間多為三至四小時,回國後,很多人就會大作文章說他們到過故宮,說故宮的歷史有多偉大,故宮的建築有多震撼等等. 但是他們之中有多少個人知道故宮整個建築裡面擁有九千九百九十九個臥室,又有多少人知道紫禁城是由蒯祥以及其帶領的香山幫匠人集體營造的? 再說行程當中的住宿,多為五星或四星為主,但試問我們在隨團時,有多少時間來充分地利用酒店的設施,頂多只是少過八個小時地睡死在那豪華的雙人床上.

在我的觀念里,既然有時間和金錢到某個國家旅行,就得好好利用這個機會去了解與體會當地的人土風情,並體驗身為當地人的日常作息! 因為我們永遠無法從文字或螢幕中了解到這一些細節. 所以我呢,寧願選擇自助旅行. 自助旅行可以讓我充裕地安排我的行程,想在哪待久一點都不會影響其他人的行程,不必讓導遊像趕豬仔上貨車似的催促. 自助旅行也能讓我安排到一些團體旅行不可能會參觀的地方. 除此之外,還可以在旅途中認識一些志同道合的旅行家,和他們分享並交換資訊和經驗. 記得在倫敦和台北出差的時候,我超愛搭它們的地鐵,因為我能讓自己短暫地成為他們一份子,過著他們一般的日子.更重要的是,我可以在同一個時空裡,見識各式各樣的人,分析他們的一舉一動,更貼近地了解他們的生活. 這都是團體旅遊時無法體會到的感覺,那種感覺是多麼地棒啊!

我不能說他們這些人的決定是錯的,因為錢是他們的,要怎麼花是他們的事;人生是他們的,錯失的是他們人生寶貴的學習機會,不是我的! 我只能說,我體驗與了解的比他們多,我的人生比他們留下了更多精采的畫面!

凡是都有兩面的,團體旅行其實也有它的存在價值. 為甚麼這麼說呢? 不這麼說,我那一班靠旅遊團賺吃的朋友一定會集體計劃謀殺我,拆我的骨、煎我的皮! (喂!這只是我私人部落格的發表罷了,不會嚴重到讓你們沒飯開吧!)

其實,自助旅遊不是每個人都能做到的. 它需要很多的智慧和耐心,利用一段蠻長的時間來計劃. 很多人在計劃自助旅行時,因為沒有做足功課,收集的資料不齊全,整個旅程原本可以省下不少時間和金錢的,反而變得更耗時,錢也花得比原先預算來得要多. 就打個比如: 旅行是有季節性的,而每個國家的旅遊高峰期都有別. 如果在這旅遊高峰期到訪某某國家,那機票肯定比平時貴、酒店房間不一定訂得到、門票不一定買得到、平時一個小時的候船時間可能變的四或五個小時等諸多瑣事,都會讓我們失去當初的熱誠,將整個愉快的行程都給搞砸了! 團體旅行呢就不必為這些瑣事而操心,一切由旅行社來擺平! 機票被取消了,他們會想辦法向航空公司“追位子”(旅社專門用詞)、酒店房間客滿了,他們會找另一家酒店“補房”,並“加景點”作為補償,好讓消費者獲得等量的心理平衡! 總而言之,團體旅遊一旦出現甚麼狀況,一定有旅社在背後賣命地解決,就算虧了本,也希望客戶沒有投訴. 還有一樣“好處”,就是很多所謂的“專業人士”的拿手功夫 – 回國後給予諸多不可思議即弱智低能又無理取鬧的投訴如:“xx領隊不唱歌”(領隊顧名思義就是領導團隊,甚麼時候得唱歌的啊?)或“為甚麼xx旅遊節目裡頭可以抱熊貓,我們又不行”(我的媽啊,人家在錄節目、做宣傳,當然可以抱啦,要不然,怎麼讓你們這些“水魚”乖乖得送羊進虎口呢?)等來索取現金退額.

話說回來,旅遊是很個人的,就像吃飯一樣,有些人喜歡吃肉,有些人偏偏就是喜歡吃菜. 嘴巴是你的,你愛吃甚麼是你的事,我管不了你!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


這是我昨晚在BB Café吃飯時拍的.
突然間, “我在中國嗎?”
原來這只是酒店特別提供的飯前服務 - 按摩!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

中國出差記! (二)


"嗶..嗶..嗶.." 床頭鬧鐘開始起奏. 張開了眼睛,我還活著嗎? 我以為我就這樣睡死了,但是我沒有!

感謝上第讓我渡過了難熬的一天. 新的一天,新的開始.


山東人好客,人人都知道,唯有我不知. 午餐和山東客戶吃飯,我的惡夢才開始. (再補寫,累了)

中國出差記! (一)

出差日期: 5月30日
出差地點: 龍的故鄉
出差時限: 要命的10天

5月30日, "乘坐泰航TG420班機前往曼谷的乘客請注意,...." 我的班機快要起飛了,心情有點興奮. 其實,我蠻嚮往中國的,可能是因為旅行界朋友的影響吧!

飛機8.20am從吉隆坡飛往曼谷,再從曼谷飛往北京. 抵達北京國都機場時,已經下午4.30pm了. 進了城一下,做了足療(代理商付錢),又在趕回機場,乘搭山東航空班機到臨沂. 本以為可以一下就到臨沂的,誰知道,到了濟南機場,竟然得下機再還一架飛機才能到臨沂.



Sunday, May 07, 2006

誣賴呀! 冤枉啊!

今天從乾爹那兒知道一個朋友竟然中傷我了. 我好無辜耶! 我被誣賴了! 我沒做過的事,竟被他說的如事實般的. 幹! 心情好煩躁唷! 為甚麼得不到人就一定要中傷人呢? 我不明白!




剛到家時,囡囡很怕生! 一點點聲音就將她給嚇壞了. 晚上頻頻鬧肚子餓,搞得我整晚沒得睡. 得把她抱在懷裡,才肯入睡.


囡囡每天都得大小便數次. 一鬧時,我就得和周公爽約為她抹屎擦屁股. 唉,為人父原來不簡單唷!

囡囡,爹地不怕你晚上吵著無法讓爹地睡覺,只是怕你吃不好,睡不夠. 只要你能健健康康,聽聽話話地長大,爹地就心滿意足了.




Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


CONGRATULATIONS!! Max on the arrival of his new baby girl… Avena the miniature pincher

Cute girl isn’t she


ps. I become the God-Mama ah?

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ma Hai vs Lan (21sx)!!

曾經被圍繞在生殖器裡用餐嗎? 两天前, 和友人於Kenny Roger's吃晚飯時, 就陷入如此尷尬的情況裡. 當時, 我與友人已經開始用膳了, 突然走進了兩個男人. 一個留著著肩長髮, 身材略胖, 穿著小一碼的灰色上衣, 像似快被他笨挫的身材給擠暴了; 另外一個戴著眼鏡, 長相十分普通的年輕男子. 他們倆坐在餐廳的一角, 不知在談論著甚麼! 就在我剛要將切好的雞肉連同辣味十足的黑胡椒汁送入口之際, 胖男突然大聲殺出一句:"Ma hai(粵)!" 我愣了一下, 握著那叉著那快進口的雞肉得手也頓時停了下來. 他在幹啥啊? 我斜望了他一眼, 告訴自己別理他, 繼續將剛剛的雞肉送入口裡. 美味的黑胡椒汁才剛與我的口水交融時, 突然又傳來極為大聲的一句:"xxxx lan xxx!" 我怎麼忽然從人家媽的陰唇跳到人家爸的屌呢? 我狠狠地往他的方向瞪去, 他應該是沒有察覺到. 我深深地吸了一口氣, 繼續享受我的美味烤雞. 哇,好棒喔! "Ma hai!"又再一次如箭射了過來. 媽的, 你要你媽的hai還是別人媽的hai, 沒人要知道啦! 幹! 想要好好吃一頓飯都如此困難! 我勉強地將四分之一的雞給吞了下去, 便付錢離去!

好一個山番薯,在餐廳裡也沒有說話禮俗! 難道左一句"Ma hai"又一句"Lan"就可以讓他很有男人魅力嗎? 我呸! 只不過顯示他的低俗和沒文化罷了! 可悲的是, 在KL偏偏就有很多受高等教育或生活水準較高的人都離不開那两句話, 好像不說就沒品味, 沒class, 跟不上潮流! 我的媽呀! Ma hai!

Monday, April 17, 2006


两個星期前, 才剛離開家門, 就接到一通電話. 電話裡頭, 學姊的聲音十分緊急, 但又帶憂愁. 原來一個客戶的狗狗失血過多, 需要緊急輸血. 學姊又無法順利地取血, 打了幾通電話都無法找到人手幫忙, 只好嘗試向我求救. 我一口就答應了, 後來才想起, 我的家裡開學姊的診所需要45分鐘. 怎麼辦? 既然已經答應學姊了, 只好破例做一天的飛車黨了. 45分鐘的路程, 竟被我在25分鐘就到達診所, 頓時對自己的飛車技術開始感到驕傲了. 要是我媽在車子裡, 她必定後悔當初讓我學駕車! 媽咪, 狗狗等著我救命耶, 您就當作沒這麼一回事吧!

匆匆忙忙地趕到診所時, 見到學姊在與時間搏鬥和掙扎, 屢次嘗試都無法順利取血. 原來她的助理無法正確的將血管展現給學姊, 並在抬狗狗的頭時, 竟血流的制止了. 無論學姊怎麼示範給她看, 她還是無法抓莫清楚, 簡直快把學姊給氣瘋了. 見狀, 我上前從她手上結果狗狗的頭, 輕輕地別向側邊, 學姊輕而易舉就取到了血. 貝兒在捐血時, 一度從麻醉醒來, 學姊只好再添加一劑麻醉藥. 貝兒的口水沾滿我的整隻手臂, 濕濕黏黏的, 不但不覺得噁心, 突然感覺好興奮唷! 原來我還是獸醫耶! 原來我的獸醫直覺還沒有被埋沒! 好興奮唷!

興奮之余, 現實重重地掌了我一巴, 我是不是該回到醫院去上班?

Thursday, March 16, 2006


三月十六日, 佘艷讓我哭了. 一個孤兒, 短短活了八年, 因患上急性白血病, 知道自己不久人世, 安排了自己的後事, 也準備了遺書, 好讓自己可以遺愛人間.

她的一生, 只有一次卑微的願望: 穿一次新衣, 留下自己在人間最後的笑影!

佘艷小妹妹, 你真的是上天派來的小天使. 上天給你坎坷的人生, 也給你世上最溫馨的愛. 我來過, 我很乖! 佘艷 - 我們的小天使, 安息!


三月十五日, 放工回家時, 路上看見車禍. 一死一傷. 頓時放慢了速度. 生命好脆弱啊!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


三月十四日, 外邊下著大雨. 你, 到了嗎?

Monday, March 13, 2006


想念讓我病倒了! 三月十三日, 你在哪裡?

Sunday, March 12, 2006


三月十二日, 好想你! 你現在在做啥? 我在啃著開心菓!


Baqlava, baklava (or baklawa) is a popular sweet pastry found in many cuisines of the Middle East and the Balkans, made of chopped nuts layered with phyllo pastry. With its high sugar and fat content, it is very rich.

I had this when I was in Tehran, Iran last month. Initially I thought it was something like a cake and looked very delicious. So greedily, I chomped on a whole piece and as the sweetness flooded my taste bud, my nerves trembled, my right narrowed and my face twisted. Saliva started to drool nonstop. This is no cake at all, this is syrup in disguise. Geez, I instantly sieze munching and my natural instinct told me to spit it out. Unfortunately, with all the Iranians standing beside me awaiting for my comment on their proud candy, I had to force myself to swallow the whole thing. I had to force a smile on my face and tell them that it was very nice! (How fake!)

In fact, I like sweet stuff but not something as sweet as baqlava. This is like syrup x 10 times the sweetness. Gosh! One big lesson, NEVER BE GREEDY ON FOOD YOU ARE FOREIGN WITH!

Unpublished article by Dato' Marina Mahathir on International Women's Day

In 1948, one of humankind's most despicable ideas, apartheid, was made into law in South Africa where racial discrimination was institutionalized. Race laws touched every aspect of social life, including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and the sanctioning of "white-only" jobs. Although there were 19 million blacks and only 4.5 million whites in South Africa, the majority population were forced to be second-class citizens in their homeland, banished to reserves and needing passports to travel outside them, even within their own country. It was only in 1990 that apartheid began to crumble and South Africans of all colours were finally free to live as equals in every way.

With the end of that racist system, people may be forgiven for thinkingthat apartheid does not exist anymore. While few countries practice anyformal systems of discrimination, nevertheless you can find many forms of discrimination everywhere. In many cases, it is women who are discriminated against. In our country, there is an insidious growing form of apartheid among Malaysian women, that between Muslim and non-Muslim women.

We are unique in that we actively legally discriminate against women who are arguably the majority in this country, Muslim women. Non-Muslim Malaysian women have benefited from more progressive laws over the years while the opposite has happened for Muslim women.

For instance, since the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976,polygamy among non-Muslims was banned. Previously men could have as many wives as they wanted under customary laws. Men's ability to unilaterally pronounce divorce on their wives was abolished and in its place, divorce happens by mutual consent or upon petition by either spouse in an equal process where the grounds are intolerable adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion of not less than two years, and living separately for not less than two years. Compare that to the lot of Muslim women abandoned but not divorced by their husbands.

Other progressive reforms in the civil family law in the late 1990s wereamendments to the Guardianship Act and the Distribution Act. TheGuardianship of Infants Act 1961 was amended to provide for equalguardianship for both father and mother, rather than the previous provision where only the father was the primary guardian of the children. In contrast, the Islamic Family Law still provides for the father as the sole primary guardian of his children although the mother is now allowed to sign certain forms for her children under an administrative directive.

The Distribution Act 1958 was also amended to provide for equal inheritance for widows and widowers, and also granted children the right to inherit from their mothers as well as from their fathers. Under the newly proposed amendments to the Islamic Family Law, the use of gender neutral language on the issue of matrimonial property is discriminatory on Muslim women when other provisions in the IFL are not gender-neutral. Muslim men may still contract polygamous marriages, may unilaterally divorce their wives for the most trivial of reasons (including by SMS, unique in the Muslim world) and are entitled to double shares of inheritance.

These differences between the lot of Muslim women and non-Muslim women beg the question: do we have two categories of citizenship in Malaysia, whereby most female citizens have less rights than others? As non-Muslim women catch up with women in the rest of the world, Muslim women here are only going backwards. We should also note that only in Malaysia are Muslim women regressing; in every other Muslim country in the world, women have been gaining rights, not losing them.

In this country, our leaders claim to stand for all citizens. Our PrimeMinister is the Prime Minister of all Malaysians, our Ministers work forall Malaysians in their respective fields. There are two exceptions tothis. The Minister for Islamic Affairs is obviously only for Muslims; eventhough some of the things he does affect others. While the Minister forWomen purports to work for all Malaysian women, even though not allMalaysian women benefit from that work. Perhaps we should consolidate the apartheid of women in this country by having a Ministry for Non-Muslim Women which works to ensure that Non-Muslim women enjoy the benefits of the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, a UN document which Malaysia signed and is legally bound to implement, and a Ministry for Muslim Women which works to gag and bind Muslim women more and more each day for the sake of political expediency under the guise of religion.

Today is International Women's Day. Unfortunately only about 40% of thewomen in this country can celebrate. The rest can only look at theirNon-Muslim sisters in despair and envy.


With thanks to Nik Noriani.

Saturday, March 11, 2006



Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Went to SACC this afternoon for lunch with my colleagues. SACC - Shah Alam City Center, sounded glamorous like KLCC. I was quite amazed with SACC, surprised that a place like this will have such a nice and glamorous shopping complexes, with Bonia, Guess, Coffee Beans, Giordano and etc. Wow, man! Shah Alam really surprises me. I always think that Shah Alam is a lake base full with all the bottom feeders, but I was wrong. I was so eagered to explore the building from the look outside. On entering the building, the building was so quite and deserted. It was so quiet that if I speak louder, I can hear my voice echoing the hall. Gee... What a SACC. Some of the shoplots are emptied, I think only 50% of the building is occupied. If someone got murdered, I don't think it would be noticeble until the rotten smell linger in the whole building. I think this is not a place that I will want to be. What if I got murdered here and left to decay? Shah Alam, nah, although with your new SACC, I admit that I was falsely impressed by your look, but I'm not going to like you. No way!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006








~ 慕云 ~


I guess I have to agree with Slenz that I too don't like attending friend's wedding nor visit my relatives during chinese new year. You will get all the annoying questions hovering around your ears nonstop like a recorder playing over and over again. For instance, this lunar new year, I was back to Kuching and managed to visit some relatives and attend a friend's wedding. I got 'D Questions!'

Question 1: "You got girl friend oledi or not ah?"
Perfect Answer : "Unfortunately no because you never introduce your daughter to me!"

Question 2: "See you friends, one by one getting married oledi, when is your turn ah?"
Perfect Answer : "Hmm.. I guess I'm too smart to risk my freedom, don't you agree with me?" (plus an evil grin)

Question 3: (same like Slenz) "How much your company pay you ah?"
Perfect Answer: "Peanuts! Enough for me to buy a ticket to come back for Chinese New Year!"

Question 4: "Aiyo, it is a waste if you don't open your own clinic lar"
Perfect Answer: "What to do? You've channel all your finances to Magnum."

Question 5: "Eh, you don't want to come back to Kuching ah? What is so nice about KL?"
Perfect Answer: "Didn't you know that I was exiled?"

Now, those are the common questions that I got from friends and particularly relatives. That's is one of the reason why I am so freak out with CNY, endless QUESTIONS and relatives can't wait to see you to your grave - Marriage. Argh! Please! Save me the questions and just gimme the Ang Pow!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Thanks Max

Thanks Max!!!!

Btw, for you who is reading right now, feel free to visit my blog at ~::it's the babbling that matters::~

Memang Pissed...

As mentioned in Loctor’s blog, I was affected too by my ex-high school mates. Like him, I never like going to school gatherings too. Inescapable, I met my high school friends at my friend’s wedding dinner. These people… instead of asking proper questions, they started to shoot you with pretentious and bitchy questions right after they greeted you with fake smiles.

For instance:

So what are you working as now? <-- [Just to see if your job is better or lousier than theirs]
My standard answer: Giordano

Salary how much ah? <--- [Make sure your salary lower than theirs… Will smile if their salary is higher and nod if lower than yours]
My standard answer: RM1k nia la...

Got boyfriend boi? <--- [Kepo question. Bet they started to laugh and smile in their heart when you said you don’t have any, cause you gonna die old and alone].
My standard answer: Erm... which one are you talking about?

When you wanna get married? <--- [Cause they wanna see if they can escape your wedding dinner or not cause wedding dinner need ang paw mah].
My standard answer: You scared I dun have chance to give your children ang paw ah?

So you completed your degree already? <--- [Secretly hope I cannot finish my degree]
My standard answer: Doing it slowly... [no point to boast around]

Some even asked: You started working already kah? <--- [Kanniah!! I started working at the age of 21 la… Cipiet]

Blardy people.

And one of the girls made one stupid statement “WAHHHHHHHH…… SAMSENG HOH… SMOKING…”

Walao eh.



It doesn’t make so much sense isn’t it? No offend, but this is normally the ‘quality of local university products’. Summore the style of wearing baju[s] is another thing. Sigh… Tasteless… Darn lansi summore!

OK, friends are one issue. Relatives another one!! They just love to compare!! Every single year, during CNY, WITHOUT FAIL!!!! My gosh, it's a RITUAL...

Salary got go up or not this year? My daughter’s boss gave her RM200 increment ah.

Boss got give bonus or not? No bonus ah? So cipiet stingy your company. My daughter get 2 months wo.

When wanna settle down ah? 25 liau wo…

That’s why I rather sleep in my room than hanging out in the living room listening to them bitching and barking non-stop about the same old stuffs.

Likewise, as mentioned by Loctor, come to think of it, I am actually doing better than most of my high school mates. E.g. I came out from uni at the age of 21, started working then and finished my CAPITAL M ady.

I am absolutely PROUD of ME!! Myself and I.

Friday, January 06, 2006


昨天晚上被我家樓下的安哥嚇死了! 這個老安哥很好笑的,家裡有床不睡,竟然跑到車子里睡著了! 我剛從戲院看戲回家,把車子泊好了,竟看見樓下安哥睡在車子里,睡得嘴巴張得好大好大. 起初我還以為安哥死在車子里了,頓時毛骨悚然,以為這次真的中大彩了,上個星期樓下才死了一個安哥,現在又讓我遇上一個死掉的安哥,看來上天對我真的"特別照顧"咧! 我的媽耶! 突然,那個安哥動了一下,原來還沒死啊! 他奶奶的,人嚇人,嚇死人的咧! 要死,死的遠遠去啦! 別再死在我家樓下啦! 要不然,我就得搬家了啦!